For week this week, I want to focus on not drinking soda and the benefits we get when we stop drinking soda.  For a long time I was majorly addicted to Diet Coke.  Everyday I would wake up and drink a can.  Then another one before lunch.  On the way to my second shift job I would go to the gas station and buy two bottles of diet coke and drink them in a 8 hour period.  When I got home from work at 11:00 pm I’d have another can of soda before bed.  When I write this and think about what it says, I am really disgusted with my previous habits and happy I found a way to change them.

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About 3 years ago, while drinking the soda, I started to get very dehydrated.  My mouth got dry and I was feeling very light headed.  The experience scared me to the point of deciding to quit.  I was sick of not feeling well and it wasn’t cheap to keep up the habit.  I will have one rarely but for the most part I have kicked the habit.

Cutting out the caffeine can be challenging due to the number of possible side effects but the end result is worth it.  There are many benefits as a result of not drinking caffeine.  Keep reading to see what the benefits you can get if you are up for the challenge of not drinking soda.





More Energy

Too much caffeine can make you dehydrated and leave you feeling tired and worn out.  The less caffeine consumed the more energy there is for fun activities.


Save Money

One of the reasons I decided to quit is because how much it was costing to drink it.  All the soda’s, coffees and energy drinks that cost just a few bucks a piece add up if bought on a daily basis.  Cutting out the caffeine habit can save a bundle.


Saves Your Time

Another reason I was happy to quit the soda habit was because I didn’t have to stop at the gas station every day.  The extra trips made to pick up the caffeine can save a ton of time if the habit can be broken.


Less Headaches

Caffeine is a trigger for headaches.  Cutting back on caffeine or stopping all together can make a difference in the amount of headaches you get.


Sleep Gets Better

Not drinking caffeine before your bedtime will help with getting a good nights sleep.


Teeth Are Healthy

Sweet drinks such as soda or energy drinks can cause tooth decay.  Switching to water will help teeth stay healthy, clean and white.


No More Shakes

Getting jittery and shaky is a side effect of caffeine.  Once the habit is broken the shakiness should get better.


Overall Health Improves

When drinking caffeine there is a greater chance of developing Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic heart disease, kidney disease and pancreatic cancer in women.  Avoiding the caffeine will help reduce these health issues and keep you feeling better overall.


Brian Function Improves

The amount of soda consumed long-term affects memory, learning and the thinking process.  Staying away from caffeine will keep your brain active and healthy.


Bladder Problems

Soda will irritate the bladder and could cause bladder infections and urinary tract infections.  Drink water and unsweetened juices to keep your bladder clean.


Lose Weight

Drinking lots of soda means filling up on tons of calories.  Replace each can of soda with a glass of water and watch the pounds drop.

Take a look at the article below from My Fitness Pal.  Here you can read 8 of the Common Side Effects of Weight Loss.

8 Common Side Effects Of Weight Loss Nobody Talks About



Benefits I had while not drinking soda

  • My stomach hasn’t been as bloated
  • I drink so much more water which is healthier
  • Since I stopped drinking diet coke my skin hasn’t looked as blotchy and rosy

It’s been a couple years now that I stopped the obsession with diet coke but on occasion I will still have one.  It has been a good change to my life and I can tell it has made a difference in how I feel and even how I look.  If you think you need to cut back or stop drinking soda, give it a try and see how it goes.  There is a lot to benefit when we stop drinking soda!!  It could change your life.


If you are looking for delicious recipes to try, check out the recipes made with love page.