We have another awesome guest post to share, Making Your Health a Priority in the Midst of Grief, by Sarah Bull from Economy Mom this week. Thank you for providing this great article for us!! We really enjoyed it and appreciate the time you took for us!!

The pain of losing a loved one can be all-consuming and take a serious toll on your health. Grieving is a process that each person handles differently. Though it may be difficult, try taking these steps to begin healing — brought to you courtesy of Living 4 You Boutique.

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Making Your Health a Priority

Image via Pexels


Prioritize Your Well-Being

To feel better, you need to get your body the nourishment you need. Take your neighbors up on their offers to send food to your home, and force yourself to eat well-balanced meals at least three times daily. Additionally, remember to stay hydrated, as studies show that even mild dehydration can impact mood and brain function.

Find a Workout You Enjoy

Exercise is known to improve happiness by releasing endorphins, so it is important to incorporate it into your routine. Working out is also a way to relieve stress and can be a good outlet for someone experiencing strong emotions during a difficult time. Try several types of exercise to see what works for you. Perhaps running will give you the outlet you need for your feelings of anger and frustration. 

Contrarily, you might prefer a more low-key way to improve your fitness level. Yoga helps you relax while working your body. It can be combined with calming breaths and meditation practice for a mind-body benefit.


Stay Connected to the World

When you’re struggling emotionally, it can be tempting to isolate yourself from others. You may feel that no one else relates to what you are going through, or you don’t want to drag your friends and family down with your sadness. This is why grief support groups are so helpful to those who have lost someone important to them. Remember to take your mental health seriously, and seek help from a professional if you need to.

If you work from home, you are even more likely to experience little contact with others. Take time each day to interact with people, even if it means just heading to the supermarket and chatting with the cashier for a few moments.

If you’re feeling stuck in a rut and are concerned about your mental health as a result of your grief, it may be worthwhile to speak with a therapist. Many therapists are available online to help you find relief, and you can meet from the comfort and privacy of your own home. You may be interested in a one-off session, or you can schedule a weekly session for only $149 a week. And, should the need arise, they can easily refer you to a physician to talk about potential prescription treatments.


Create a Comfortable Home

When you’re in the throes of grief, it is easy to overlook your housework and let your home go a bit. Once you are feeling well enough, tackle a small task at a time. Maybe this morning you can only handle washing the dishes in the sink — that is fine. Do not overwhelm yourself trying to make your home look perfect. 

If your house feels dingy, once you are up to it, try making a few changes. Maybe add new curtains, houseplants or throw pillows. Small improvements can make big enhancements. Remember to keep your abode feeling light and fresh to invite positive thoughts and joy into your space.


Find an Outlet for Your Grief

New hobbies can keep your mind off your grief or be a forum for depicting it. Art is a form of expression that can allow you to release your emotions in a way that can be difficult through words. Take a class in painting, pottery, or photography to meet new friends and channel your sadness into creating something beautiful.

Though it can be overwhelming, it is important for your wellbeing that you resist being consumed by grief. During periods of loss, make an effort to prioritize your mental health.


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Looking for other great articles Sarah wrote for us? Take a look below.

How Life has Changed since the Pandemic

Constructing Your Freelance Team: How To Put Together a Productive Group of Remote Professionals

Guide to Innovative Employee Benefits to Consider for Your Small Business


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