Hi friends!!  We are very excited to share a special article with you this week.  Brad Krause of Self Caring, has offered to share another one of his amazing articles on fighting obesity.  Brad’s blog, Self Caring, is about putting yourself first and making sure you are taking all of the necessary steps to nurture your body, mind and soul.  His blog explains self-care practices you can start adding to your daily routine to see positive results in all areas of your life.

Thank you so much Brad for sharing your article with us.  We appreciate the time and information you shared with Living 4 You Boutique!!



Obesity has become a problem of near-epidemic proportions in the United States.  According to the CDC, approximately 112,000 deaths each year are linked to obesity, a problem that can produce a litany of serious health problems, including diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, heart disease and more.  There are many wellness-focused actions that can help you overcome obesity and its attendant problems.  Most of these actions are well-known and uncomplicated, but require dedication and discipline to incorporate them into your daily routine.

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Wellness Activities that Lead to Weight Loss and a Healthy Lifestyle



Finding an enjoyable workout routine is absolutely essential for someone who’s trying to lose a significant amount of weight.  However, people often let their exercise regimens fall by the wayside if they find them boring and tedious.  If jogging isn’t your thing, consider bicycling or swimming instead.  It’s easy to lose interest in calisthenics and other forms of aerobic exercise; many of us have been familiar with them since childhood and long ago left them behind as hum drum and unrewarding.  Instead, try weight training and resistance exercises, which build muscle and strength, increase flexibility, improve cardiovascular health and can easily be done in the peace and comfort of your own home.  Whatever exercise routine you choose to follow, bear in mind that healthcare experts recommend at least 150 minutes a week of physical exercise, so stick with it!


Healthy diet

A balanced diet featuring healthful foods should go hand-in-hand with regular exercise if you struggle with obesity.  Think lots of nutrition and minimal calories.  That means you’ll need to emphasize fruit and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole-grain foods.  Try eating several small meals throughout the day rather than limiting yourself to one large meal, or denying yourself food in the interest of weight loss.  You need to maintain balance in your body chemistry to keep your blood sugar and your appetite under control, so avoid junk food and foods high in sugar content, which keep you feeling hungry.

Drinking plenty of water — 6 to 8 glasses a day — can help control hunger and facilitate weight loss.  Opt for healthy snacks, like fruit or nuts, rather than candy or potato chips, and eat meals at the table, which makes it easier to stick to your dietary routine.  If you’re not eating enough fruits and vegetables, add them to a smoothie each morning.  Just be sure you have a blender that’s up to the task.


Get some sleep

Sleep experts have found that everyone needs at least 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.  It’s essential for maintaining good health and for weight loss because a sleep deficit can have a negative impact on your metabolic rate.  Sleep is also important for your ability to concentrate and for maintaining the energy level you need to get through each day.  It’s also vital for maintaining a positive mindset.  Sleep also helps alleviate the effects of stress, a major contributor to weight gain.  You can find ways to reduce stress levels during the day through exercise, meditation, yoga, or some other practice.


Keeping track

Using a bathroom scale to track your weight can be dispiriting, and may not even be the best way to track your progress.  Instead, use waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, body-mass index, or skinfold thickness techniques to assess your progress.  Other ways of tracking your progress include improved sleep, more energy, better mobility and decreased stress.

The wellness activities that are needed to combat obesity amount to a lifestyle change.  Changing one’s diet and daily routine, making time for exercise and reducing stress can be difficult.  But they’re essential for making the kind of wholesale changes necessary to achieve a healthy weight and maintain positive health habits.

Courtesy of Pixabay


About The Author

Brad Krause graduated from college in 2010 and went straight to the corporate world at the headquarters of a popular retail company.  But what started as a dream job soured quickly.  After four years of working 15-hour days and neglecting his health, Brad decided enough was enough.  Through aiding a friend during a tough time, Brad discovered his real calling-helping people implement self-care practices that improve their overall wellbeing.  He created Self Caring to share his own knowledge and the many great resources he finds on his self-care journey.


Here are a few more articles from Brad Krause of Self Caring we think you will love:

How Your Sleep Can Affect Your Emotional Wellness

How To Boost Your Mental Health And Overall Well-Being



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