Hi friends!!  We are very excited to share a special article with you this week.  Jason Lewis of Strong Well, has offered to share one of his amazing articles on 4 things seniors can do for a better health and positive well-being.  Thank you so much Jason for sharing your article with us.  We appreciate the time and information you shared with Living 4 You Boutique!!

Being happy and healthy should be a priority during your senior years.  Good health can prolong your life, and there’s less time to neglect it during your golden years.  When you’re in retirement, you have plenty of extra time to focus on your health and wellness.  With research linking happiness to a longer life, it’s a no-brainer that you should try these things to be happy and stay healthy as you age.

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Trade Meals

Batch cooking is an efficient way to make large quantities of food in one session.  It works great for families, but when you’re only cooking for one or two, eating the same meal every day can get boring and repetitive.  Instead of cooking one batch meal and eating it all week, trade meals with friends through a dinner swap.  Each person (or household) cooks one healthy, balanced meal with enough servings for everyone.  Place those servings into individual containers, and meet with your group each week to swap containers of food.  Dinner for this enjoyable get-together will be whatever the host happens to be cooking that week!

You only have to cook dinner once, and you get five unique meals out of it.  It’s cheaper and healthier than eating out, and it’s less time-consuming than cooking a fresh meal each night.  Don’t forget to wash and reuse the containers that you took home for next week’s swap.  Not sure what to make?  Try one of these tasty and healthy recipes.


Play Music

Music lovers will attest that listening to music can have a soothing and calming effect on your mind, heart, and soul.  However, why not go a step further and actually learn to play music?  Whether you used to play back in the day or you’re trying things out for the first time, playing music can be beneficial for your mental health.  Playing an instrument works your central nervous system to keep your brain healthy, and taking music lessons as a senior can boost cognition and memory.

If you’re not sure where to start, pick an instrument like the saxophone and enroll in online lessons so you can learn in the comfort of your home.  A quality sax can be a big investment, but a beginner instrument can be as low as a few hundred dollars.




As seniors age, they tend to shift toward loneliness and social isolation, which can contribute to depression.  Finding a group activity that gets you socializing with other seniors will have a positive impact on your mental health.  Join a club or group that gets together weekly for activities that pique your interest.  It could be a book club, chess club, sewing circle, dog-walking group, dinner club, or a writing group.

Socializing in your golden years can keep your brain sharp, boost your moods, and improve your emotional well-being.  It can even help prevent physical health problems such as cardiovascular disease and progressive brain diseases like Alzheimer’s.  With the positive links between social interaction and health, how could you not want to make the effort to get out there and mingle?



You get one body in this lifetime, and it’s up to you to keep it active so it stays strong and fit.  If you haven’t been active in years, today is the day to get on the right track.  It doesn’t have to be a literal track, of course, but a metaphorical track that could include a walk in the park, fitness classes, yoga sessions, a round of golf, or dance classes.  It can even be an actual track if you enjoy running and have strong enough joints to handle it.  For low impact cardio, try a recumbent bicycle or an elliptical at the gym.  Exercise is not only good for your physical and cardiovascular health, but it can also improve moods and help reduce depression and anxiety.

As you get older, don’t let an aging body and brain take over your well-being.  Instead, take back that control by maintaining a healthy lifestyle and a positive attitude.  With the right lifestyle choices, you can rein in your physical health.  And with the right mindset, you can rein in your mental health.


About The Author

Jason Lewis has firsthand experience as a senior caregiver, in addition to a background in personal training.  He’s passionate about helping seniors stay healthy and injury-free.


Here is another article from Jason Lewis of Strong Well we think you will love:

Indoor Exercises That Work on a Single Parent’s Schedule



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