Hi friends.  We are excited to share The top 3 reasons why everyone should be doing calisthenics workouts by Rebecca Smith this weekThis article talks about calisthenics and the benefits you get from performing these exercises.  Thank you Rebecca for providing this awesome post for us!!  We really enjoyed it and appreciate the time you took for us!!

Calisthenics is not just for a small group of people nor is it only suited to elite gymnasts and athletes.  What many people do not realize is that calisthenics is actually beneficial to everyone!  But before going into the specific reasons why you should consider taking up a calisthenics practice, here’s a quick background of what this workout is.

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Calisthenics is a type of exercise that only uses body weight as resistance, which is why it is also known as Bodyweight Training.  Some classic examples are push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, and squats.  Other exercises that have become trendier in recent years include mountain climbers, burpees, and planks.  If you look at all these exercises, you do not really need any special equipment to perform them or any added weights.

There are many advantages to starting a calisthenics practice.  Here are 3 incredible reasons why  everyone should be performing calisthenics.


1.  It’s very practical and convenient

Unlike other workouts where you need to buy specialized equipment, you don’t need to spend serious cash in order to practice calisthenics.  You don’t even need to sign up for a gym membership to start.  Because you are only using your body weight, this makes it an exercise that’s accessible to a lot of people.

You can perform calisthenics exercises at any place and at any time.  You don’t need a lot of space to perform bodyweight exercises so even if you are traveling, you have no excuse to skip your workout.


2.  It is very adaptable

There are some workouts that are so difficult that they tend to intimidate a lot of people.  At the same time, there are also exercise routines that are so basic they fail to challenge you.  With calisthenics, you won’t have to worry about this problem.

Calisthenics exercises can easily be modified to suit your personal fitness capability.  By just changing the position of your body or the duration of the workout, you can make the routine easier or more challenging.  The variations of calisthenics exercises are endless.

If you are a beginner, you can start by mastering the foundation exercises.  Then, as you progress, you can start performing an advanced calisthenics workout to continuously challenge yourself.  This makes calisthenics a type of workout that can benefit you whether you’re a beginner or an advanced athlete.


3.  It improves your overall health and fitness

Some exercises are designed to make your muscles bigger, while some can make you lose weight.  There are also exercises that are good as a relaxation technique or as a stress reliever.  But whatever reason you have for exercising, you can actually get most of these benefits by performing calisthenics.

The variation of calisthenics exercises available makes it a great choice if you want to improve your general health and fitness.  Calisthenics has been shown to improve strength, flexibility, mobility, balance, and endurance.  Most exercises also target multiple large muscle groups in the body which can give you a more balanced-looking physique.  There are also calisthenics exercises that offer cardiovascular benefits such as burpees, jumping jacks, and skaters.


Practice Calisthenics Today

Calisthenics is an amazing exercise that is easy to incorporate into your daily routine.  It is a convenient workout that you can regularly practice but at the same time, it offers enough variation to constantly challenge you.  By practicing this workout regularly, it can effectively bring you closer to your fitness goals.



About the Author:

Rebecca Smith

Rebecca Smith started calisthenics at age 26 as a means to lose weight and tone her body.

After completing her first successful muscle up, the amazing feeling inspired her to train further and become a full-time calisthenics instructor.

Rebecca also holds a Management Degree and a Diploma in Nutrition.




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