Hi friends!!  Thanks for checking out, Tips on Getting Enough Sleep.

Healthy is not just eating well and exercising regularly, getting enough sleep is also an important factor in staying healthy.  Sleep affects our health and mind and also plays an important part on how we function throughout the day.

The job I worked at before my current job was driving people to their appointments.   There were some days I’d have to get up at 3:00 am to start my day.  As you can imagine by the afternoon I was ready to fall over.  I am so happy by how much more energy I have now that I work normal hours and get a good nights rest.  It’s truly a night and day difference.

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Tips on Getting Enough Sleep


What might happen if you are tired!!

  • It’s harder to concentrate and think clearly.  Not getting enough sleep prevents daily activities from getting done and being productive throughout the day.
  • When I don’t get enough sleep I have a harder time carrying on conversations and my attention span gets very short.
  • You will not be as accurate and alert on the road driving.  It’s harder to see clearly when there’s not enough sleep because our eyes get tired.
  • It is more difficult to understand and remember. There have been more than one time at either school, work or home where I have nodded off because I didn’t get enough sleep.



Tired of being tired? – Tips on how to get a good nights sleep

  • Eating right before bed and drinking too much caffeine throughout the day and night makes it more difficult to fall asleep.  Stop eating & drinking caffeine 2 to 3 hours before you go to bed.  This will help getting a good night rest.
  • Over the years, I have come to realize that the pillow you sleep on plays an important role in how you sleep.  If the pillow you sleep on is not comfortable, it could leave you with either a sore neck or back.  Pick out a pillow that you feel is a good fit for your sleeping style.
  • Don’t let negative thoughts keep you from sleeping.  If you had a bad day and can’t sleep, keep yourself busy with doing things like watching a favorite TV show or  reading a book.
  • Have your clothes laid out and meals prepared ahead.  This way you can wake up stress free and won’t have to rush in the morning.
  • Set the temperature in your room at a comfortable level to sleep in.
  • Make a bedtime routine.  Set a time to go to bed that allows you to get the amount of sleep you need.  Then add activities that will prepare you for bed and help you relax.  I love taking a bath (use Epsom salts – this helps me relax), watching TV or surfing the internet.  If done regularly it will help our bodies realize it’s time for bed and help fall asleep faster.
  • Don’t Hit the Snooze button.  To help break this habit, set up more than 1 alarm clock to go off at the same time.  Space them out so you have to go to opposite ends of the room.  By the time you turn all of them off you might not want to get back in bed.
  • Set your alarm for the same time everyday and get up when it goes off.  Once we get in a habit it’s easier to maintain.


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How to Relax Before Bed

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