Hi friends.  We are excited to share, Pet Safety Tips & Dog Bites Prevention, by Jonathan Rosenfled this week.  Thank you Jonathan for providing this great post for us!!  We really enjoyed it and appreciate the time you took for us!!

This article written by Jonathan Rosenfled is lifted from Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers.

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Pets are an important part of many households, but while they are often well-loved and considered members of the family, they also come with concerns that must be addressed for their safety and the safety of anyone who interacts with them.  Pet owners must create a safe environment where their dog, cat, or any type of pet can thrive, and it is also crucial that people learn how to interact with animals to help avoid aggressive behavior such as dog bites.  Keep reading to get more information on Pet Safety Tips & Dog Bites Prevention.



Fire Safety

Home fires present a very serious threat to animals, and animals can also be to blame for them.  Unlike humans who are able to call for help and escape from closed buildings, animals depend on their owners to protect them.  The best way to do that is to prevent or reduce the risk of a fire happening in the first place.

To prevent pets from starting a fire, keep them away from open flames, including candles.  Getting the flame-less candles is great because they can’t be accidentally be knocked down by a dog’s tail or a jumping cat.  It may be necessary to secure younger, more curious animals when a fireplace or fire pit is in use.  When not in use, open flames should be thoroughly extinguished.  Stoves also can lead to fires when pets are around.  To prevent this, remove the knobs from the stove or cover them.  You should also always take routine precautions to prevent fires from occurring.  This includes keeping power outlets uncrowded and clothes dryer vents clean.

To prepare for a potential fire, families should include their pets in their fire escape plan and drills.  One way to help ensure that pets are rescued by first-responders is to hang a “pet inside” sign or cling on the window.  Another way is by limiting the places where a pet can hide.  This will also help firefighters locate and save pets that are trapped inside a burning home.  To do this, close bedroom and bathroom doors so that your pet is kept in a room closest to the front of the house.


Travel Safety

Traveling with your pet should be an enjoyable experience, but there may be some stress and safety issues that are a concern.  One of the important things that can and should be done before the trip is have your pet get a microchip.  Having the microchip will make it easier to find your pet if it were to get lost.

If you plan to travel out of the country, it’s important to take the animal to the vet to ensure that it is up to date on all of its shots.  It’s often necessary for pets to have a health certificate dated within 10 days of the planned trip.  Pet owners should also understand and comply with any requirements set by the country they are visiting when traveling abroad.

It’s important to plan for how your pet will make the journey.  If you’re traveling by plane, purchase a crate that allows the animal to stand and move comfortably and is USDA-approved. 

Attach proper identification, which includes:

  • Pet’s name
  • Owner’s name
  • Cell phone number
  • Photograph of the animal
  • and a phone number where the owner can be reached once they arrive at their destination. 

Also, write the words “Live Animal” on the crate.

Purchase a well-ventilated carrier that is roomy enough for the animal to stand, lie down, and otherwise move around for car travel.  Secure pets with a safety harness if traveling without a carrier in a moving vehicle.  Do not allow your pet to roam freely around the vehicle or stick its head out of the window.


Toxicity of Plants/Foods

Naturally, what a pet eats can make it sick, so it’s important to use caution about both the pet food you buy and the possible other things that the animal might find to eat.  Whenever you move into a home, check the yard for any plants that may be poisonous if consumed.  This is also important when buying new household or garden plants.

Although there is a long list of plants that are toxic to animals, a few plants that are especially toxic to dogs include:

  • Aloe
  • Amaryllis
  • Daffodils
  • Mint
  • Milkweed
  • Parsley
  • Poinsettias and
  • Wisteria

Some plants that are commonly recognized as toxic to cats include:

  • Chrysanthemums
  • Certain varieties of lilies such as tiger and day lily
  • Oleander
  • Castor bean
  • Tulips
  • Rhododendron plants
  • Azaleas and
  • English ivy

Both cats and dogs often want, and may even beg for, human or table food.  This, too, can prove deadly for the family pet if they are accidentally fed food that is poisonous to them.  Never give a pet alcohol, coffee, grapes, chocolate, dairy products, onions, garlic, salty foods, or under-cooked or raw eggs or meat.  If pets consume any of these things, contact a veterinarian or the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center.


Emergency Preparedness

When preparing for disasters such as floods, tornadoes, and earthquakes, it’s important to keep any furred, feathered, or scaled members of the family in mind as well.  Include provisions for them when creating an emergency supply kit, including three days’ worth of pet food and water.  Also include spare items such as dog collars, leashes or harnesses, and ID tags.  Create a small first aid kit in a plastic bag or some other waterproof container that includes any medications that your pet is currently taking as well as first aid supplies such as saline solution, bandages, flea and tick medicine, and gloves.  It’s helpful to also include a small pet first aid reference book.  Keeping familiar items such as toys in the emergency kit can be comforting to an animal in a stressful situation.

In addition to supplies, it’s also important to have plans for who will check on and evacuate a pet that’s home alone if there’s a disaster.  Talk with neighbors or family members.  Ask them to help care for your pet should an emergency occur when no one is home.  Also, plan for where to go following an emergency with a pet in tow, as many emergency shelters do not allow pets.  You may need to make plans to stay with friends or family, and it can also be helpful to know where pet-friendly hotels are in your area or if there is a kennel or veterinary hospital where your pet can stay in an emergency.



Preventing Dog Bite Attacks

Animals, particularly dogs, will potentially bite people if they are injured or afraid, feel threatened, or feel overly protective.  This can happen even with the most docile-seeming pets. It’s important to create an environment in which they feel safe and where their exposure to new people and animals is controlled.

Pet owners can reduce the risk of their dogs biting people or other animals by socializing them when they are puppies.  In addition, dogs should never be left alone with young children that they are unfamiliar with, nor should they be left with strangers of any age.  Dogs can be unpredictable, and people who they are unfamiliar with may be more prone to do something that causes them to lash out.

Dogs need to have supervision if left in a yard or put on a chain for long periods of time.  This can make them territorial and aggressive.  It can also help to take a dog for behavioral training classes.  To reduce aggression and the risk of biting, dogs should be neutered or spayed.



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