Hi friends.  We are excited to share “Leadership Hacks – Overcome Anxiety” this week from Sunday Scaries.  Thank you for providing this awesome post for us!!  We really enjoyed it and appreciate the time you took for us!!

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Photo by Lukas from Pexels


It’s natural for you as a leader to think that everyone’s eyes are on you.  That’s probably because they are – you are, after all, the leader.  That, however, probably doesn’t do your anxiety levels any good.  Every time you get into your head and think that everyone is waiting for you to fail so they can laugh, there is a good chance that you are going to doubt yourself into actually failing and then that self-fulfilling prophecy will have come true.

The more you think about it, the more anxious you get.  So much so that you end up being rooted at the same spot and taking your eyes off the ultimate goal – being the fierce leader that you are in the eyes of others.

What can you do?  Are there any leadership hacks to overcome anxiety?



How to Overcome Anxiety as a Leader

There are things that you can do to overcome anxiety.  Some of the methods mentioned here are conventional and probably things that you have thought of trying before while others might not be so…”in the box.”  That being said, here are some tips on how to overcome your anxiety as a leader:


Step 1: Accept That You Have Anxiety

As counterintuitive as this might sound, actually denying that you have anxiety isn’t doing you any favors.  You need to accept that fact that you get anxious when it comes to things like public speaking and responsibility; you know, things that leaders tend to do.  Owning it means that you are slowly taking power away from your anxiety, and you can finally start taking action towards squashing that monster.


Step 2: Change a Few of Your Habits

This ties into owning the fact that you have anxiety. When you have anxiety, you will automatically tend to do things like avoiding social situations.  You need to stop that and start doing the exact opposite.  Put yourself in situations that will force you to overcome your anxiety and mingle with people:

  • Join speed dating events
  • Take public speaking lessons
  • Learn how to make small talk (memorize some jokes if you have to)

Once you make a habit of putting yourself in social situations that make you uncomfortable, you will find that you become desensitized towards the fear that comes with them.  You will actually become better at it and more comfortable at doing these things.


Step 3: Get Out of Your Head and Your Own Way

The scariest thing about your mind is that it can create scenarios that have nothing to do with the reality on the ground.  Think about it – when was the last time you had any of these thoughts?

  • They didn’t give me a standing ovation because they didn’t like my speech
  • My employees don’t call me for the nights out because they don’t like me
  • I might be the boss, but I am not as good at what I do as Jenny from accounting

These are all things our mind tells us that have nothing to do with the reality.  Maybe they didn’t give you a standing ovation because they just don’t do that here.  Maybe your employees don’t call you for their nights out because you intimidate them, and no one likes hanging out with “the man.”  Jenny might be an expert at accounting, but she has no clue how to run the entire business, you do.

We will almost always tell ourselves horrific stories about why things happen the way they do.  In reality, some things have nothing to do with you.  They just happen.  Stop getting so down on yourself and get in the habit of living by some positive mantras such as:

  • You are the boss because you are good at what you do
  • Everyone around you is struggling with something.  No one is perfect, so stop expecting yourself to be
  • How someone reacts to certain situations, have very little to do with you and a lot to do with them

Be kind to yourself as much as possible.  If all else fails, remember you can always leave.  No one is forcing you to stay, so don’t allow yourself to feel like a prisoner incarcerated in a cell of your own making.


The Unconventional Remedy for Anxiety

Now that we have mentioned a few conventional remedies for anxiety, let’s take a quick look at one other “less conventional” way to tackle this problem.

CBD Gummies.  Yes, CBD Gummies have been known to do wonders for anxiety levels.  Even though research into this field is relatively new, there are developments to suggest that taking different types of CBD-based products such as Gummies and Tinctures can do wonders for your anxiety levels.

Not only do these products help calm your nerves, but they also give you that wonderful feeling of being in control and somewhat unconquerable.

Whenever you feel as though you can’t get away from that public speaking engagement (mostly because it’s before your board of directors), try a CBD Gummy and let it do its thing.



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