Hi friends.  We are excited to share, “Easy Head-To-Toe Health Tips To Optimize Your Daily Routine” this week from Jennifer McGregor from Public Health Library.  Thank you Jennifer for writing this really great article for us!!  We appreciate the time you took and for reaching out to us to have it posted on our site!!

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Too often, our health takes a back seat in our lives.  It just seems like there are so many more important things to do with our time than jog around the block or cook up a healthy meal.  But health should come first!  Being healthy means more energy, focus, motivation, and happiness—everything you need to find success in your daily routine.  Try to incorporate just a few powerful health strategies into your busy schedule so you can feel your best every day.


Free Up Space in Your Home

Have you ever felt frustrated or anxious because you can’t find what you’re looking for at home?  If so, then you might want to survey the state of your living space.  A cluttered home can block the free-flowing energy that creates better health.  Take a little time each day to declutter your home, even if it means targeting just one area of the home, like the bedroom closet.  By freeing up space, your wellness will improve, and you’ll increase the chance of getting a better night’s sleep.  If you find that cleaning itself is stressful, you can hire a cleaning service to help you out.


Track What You Eat

In addition to decluttering, focus on improving your physical health every day.  According to nutrition experts, even healthy foods can be bad for you if you eat too much of them.  Everything in moderation, as they say!  If you’re trying to shed some weight, tracking your food intake can help.  Healthline recommends recording your daily calorie intake in a calorie-counting app.  You may be surprised to learn the number of calories you’re consuming even after switching to a healthier diet.  To ensure you’re tracking calories correctly, get a basic kitchen scale to weigh your food.


Stop Buying Junk Food

Most of us want to eat better, but our old habits are too hard to shake.  One of the easiest ways to switch to a healthier diet is to only buy healthy foods.  Don’t let your cupboards fill up with chips, cookies, or soda.  Instead, stock your fridge with fresh fruits, veggies, and lean protein.  Try not to rely on willpower.  If you have unhealthy food in your home, you will eat it!  Remember to grab some healthier snack alternatives to fulfill those salt and sugar cravings.  Nuts, pickles, olives, and seaweed snacks are excellent salty options.  For something sugary, get some dark chocolate or protein bars.  If you like popcorn, you can purchase a popper to make a healthier version of this snack.


Incorporate Strength Training into Your Fitness Plan

Healthy eating goes hand in hand with exercise.  Adults should try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity every week.  While many people know that aerobic exercise is important, many do not know that they should also engage in muscle training at least two days per week—only 29 percent of Americans meet this recommendation.

For women who aren’t interested in getting ripped, there are still plenty of healthy reasons to engage in regular strength training.  According to Everyday Health, strength exercises will prevent the loss of muscle mass and bone density as you grow older.  Over the age of 30, we start to lose muscle mass unless we actively work to retain it.  There is also evidence that strength-training exercises burn fat even better than aerobic activity.

If you can’t afford to do strength training at the gym, you can reap the benefits with at-home workouts.  A streaming device is a perfect gadget to help you achieve your workout needs because it offers access to a variety of exercise videos.  Research key features of various streaming devices to help you settle on one that’s compatible with your TV and fits your budget.



Be Still for Just 5 Minutes

Tending to your physical health through eating good food and exercising will do wonders for your mental health.  Go the extra mile for your mind by enjoying an uplifting 5-minute meditation session every day.  Even a short meditation practice can help you manage stress, stop negative rumination, and relax the body.  Sit still, and breathe deeply.  Don’t worry about whether or not
you’re “doing it right”.  Just be present, and enjoy this time you’ve set aside for yourself.


Go to Bed a Couple of Minutes Earlier Every Day

Meditation right before bed can help you slip into a quality state of sleep more easily, and most of us could use some extra sleep!  In fact, 35 percent of Americans report getting less than 7 hours of sleep per night, the minimum recommendation for adults.  Sleeping too little can increase your risk of obesity, heart disease, and mental illness over time.  In the short term, sleep deprivation can make you irritated, mentally foggy, and fatigued.  Try going to bed a little earlier every day until you’ve added at least one full hour to your regular sleep schedule.

According to Reader’s Digest, you should feel happier, healthier, and more productive by increasing your sleep duration.


Boost Your Self-Esteem

Just like sleep, self-esteem is also a key to happiness, though it’s one of the biggest struggles that many people regularly face.  While it’s very important to learn to love yourself, it can be
difficult without the help of healthy solutions.  For example, there’s nothing wrong with using beauty products—in fact, a study shows that makeup can enhance self-esteem, confidence, and
personality.  And when self-esteem increases, so does cognition.  If you’re unsure where to start, visit a local beauty counter to get some expert suggestions.

Health is not an end goal, but a journey.  Every day, ask yourself how you can do just one healthy thing for your body or mind.  Pay attention to how you feel, and be mindful about how your actions propel you on your path to health.  Start with these simple tips as you make health a priority in your life.

Jennifer McGregor co-created Public Health Library to write about health and wellness topics and to create a forum for sharing reputable health and medical information.


Here is another article from Jennifer McGregor of Public Health Library we think you will love:

Changes That Help Men Lead Healthier Lives



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