My husband probably thinks I’m a bit obsessive but I can’t seem to help myself.  I can’t even pinpoint when this daily routine started, a couple months ago or maybe over a year?  Every time he sees me doing this he laughs or shakes his head, sometimes he even helps.  It’s one of the only chores that is done everyday at my house.  Mainly because it’s super easy to do and it makes me feel better after it’s done.  It takes less than 5 minutes and can make us feel like we’ve accomplished something for the day.  This would be, making my bed every morning.  There’s just something about walking into my bedroom and seeing a neat, clean room with my made bed.  Keep reading to see the Benefits of Making your Bed everyday!!

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It’s a good feeling to come home to a tidy room and bed

If I don’t do anything else all day, I think, “at least the bed is made.”  It’s a good feeling to come home to a tidy room and bed.  It’s all the more reason to do this task.


It motivates us to do other tasks around the house

Making my bed everyday motivates me to do other cleaning.  When we see how nice something looks or makes us feel, it gets us going to do other tasks around the house.


Feel proud of your bedroom

When company is over, they may need to use the bathroom.  If your bathroom is near your bedroom, it is likely they will notice your bed if the door is open.  Making your bed daily will not give you a reason to worry who stops over and sees your room.  It will make you feel proud of the home you live in an take care of.



Something to look forward to

Coming home to a freshly made bed is something to look forward to rather than knowing the bed is a mess and thinking, it’s just one other thing that didn’t get done for the day.  It’s like going to a hotel.  Would you rather see the bed made or a mess?  Having the bed made is one of the nice things we get at a hotel (and to have it remade everyday we stay.)


It looks better and makes us feel better

A clean house looks much better than a messy house.  Just like we feel better after we exercise or when we eat healthy.  Once we can get the habit it will be easier to maintain it long term.  It’s the same with cleaning and feeling good about what we’ve done.  When we see how much better the bed looks compared to it being messy, we’ll want to keep doing it daily.

So, if your looking for an easy task to complete around the house that will make you feel good, try making your bed on a daily basis.  It’s the easiest, simplest task and the rewards are worth the effort.